Acquisition of patent portfolios - Assignments

Failure in registering the correct applicant name in the EPO register can result in a loss of the IP Right. Should you need to invoke patent rights against an infringer, your right must be registered in the correct name. If the applicant name is not correct, this right is not valid vis-à-vis a third party. A substantial transaction, as the purchase of a patent portfolio, should include a check on possible 'incorrect applicants’, in order to have these sign additional documents. Registration of an assignment for multiple applications, instead of a single one per case and applicant, may prevent avoidable extra costs and substantial delays in transfer of the portfolio. 

Furthermore, the European Patent Office has become more strict with regard to assignment documents. Assignments require signatures of all parties involved, i.e. assignor and assignee, and specific demands apply for these signatories to be allowed before the EPO. 

We can assist you in reviewing your IP Portfolio, should you require a speedy but thorough investigation. 

Please contact me at

Best regards, 
Patricia Rutten
Manager IP Portfolio AIPEX